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Rio de Janeiro, 10 de fevereiro de 2025


Campeonato de Futevôlei

Mauro Pimentel - Do Portal


Clique aqui para o ensaio do fotógrafo Mauro Pimentel sobre o campeonato mundial de Futevôlei 4 por 4. O vencedor foi o paraguai. As equipes brasileiras de Romário e Renato Gaúcho firam respectivamente no segundo e terceiro lugar. Na quarta posição veio a Itália do zagueiro Aldair.

Content-type: text/html CGILua message
CGILua message

Lua error on configuration (or extension)

  Error:    indexed expression not a table
  Active Stack:
at C code
function _ERRORMESSAGE at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/pos_env.lua, 118
main of string " write("\n

function dostring at C code
function: 006DEC40 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 232
function: 005C20D0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 249
function: 00EE80D8 at //S//sys/reader/w_infoview.lua, 382
function showInfo at //S//sys/reader/view.lua, 54
main of string " write("") useLibrary("w_searchinput.bin") write("\n function dostring at C code
function: 006DEC40 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 232
function: 005C20D0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 249
function: 00DFD9A8 at string " write("") useLibrary("indexview.bin") useLibrary("", 31
function: 00DFDBD8 at string " write("") useLibrary("indexview.bin") useLibrary("", 51
main of string " write("") useLibrary("indexview.bin") useLibrary("", 63
function dostring at C code
function: 006DEC40 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 232
function: 005C20D0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 249
function _initStart at //S//sys/reader/start.lua, 270
main of //S//sys/reader/start.lua, 379
function old_dofile at C code
function dofile at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/pos_env.lua, 903
main of string " write("") dofile(ReaderDir.."start.bin") write("\n") det", 2
function dostring at C code
function: 006DEC40 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 232
function: 005C20D0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua, 249
function: 005A24B0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua, 633
function: 005A2230 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua, 685
main of //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua, 1197

CGILua 3.2.1 CGI  ©1995-99.